Sleepy Hollow: Season 1, episode 7 – Review

This episode was quite good, I felt! As always, the moments between Abbie and Ichabod were the highlight of the episode for me. There is just something so unique, so wonderful about their relationship that makes me indescribably happy. Those times when Ichabod doesn’t understand a modern social norm, or tries to argue against purchasing water (that running gag throughout this episode made me laugh out loud), and Abbie just stares at him and smiles, sometimes laughing. Those moments are warm and happy and just plain joyful, and I look forward to them every week. This episode in particular had a very heartfelt scene with them, when one of them said, “All we really have is each other.” (Or something to that effect – I don’t have the exact quote with me.)

There were quite a number of “Ichabod messes stuff up” bits in this episode, but I’m very happy that they didn’t exploit them, or make them ridiculous and have him be the center of a joke. They were gentle and light-hearted, poking small fun at his old-fashioned ways. One of my favorites was the entire computer bit, from him getting frustrated at how to use the laptop’s keyboards, to conversing with the woman on the porn website. They were HILARIOUS, and I do hope they continue.

As for the plot, I think it was very exciting. I’m happy Frank was finally shown the truth, and glad that he seemed to take it as well as any normal person would – no extreme “But this can’t be possible!” outbursts, but instead frustrated sighs of “I wish this wasn’t happening.” I’m also pleased with the scene when Death shot the lab worker (his name escapes me). Frank thought quickly and on his feet, remembering to grab the skull and still make it out of there alive. Him working with Abbie and Ichabod at the end was great.

I’m still unsure of what to think of Brooks. I don’t believe he can be trusted, but he seems to be a gray character of sorts (being a messenger, or something like that). Whatever the case, I would not be so quick to accept his offer of protection.

In all, it was intense and funny and an incredibly well done episode, and I am very much looking forward to next week.

Sleepy Hollow: Season 1, episode 6 – Review

*Note: I apologize for the short review! Next week’s will be longer, I promise.

The show has most DEFINITELY come back with a bang! This episode was quite exciting, while also holding our interest in the more explanatory moments. Death is back, also known as the Headless Horseman, as is Abbie’s sister Jennifer, whose sassy dialogue is one of my favorite parts of the show.

Every scene involving Abbie and Ichabod was fantastic. The first one at the ball field was hilarious and adorable, and has made me wish more than ever for the eventual canonization of a romantic relationship between the two. It seems inevitable!

It also made my heart sing to see how much Abbie has truly grown to appreciate and care for Ichabod; as she said, she’s lost so many members of her family, and he’s helped her so much, she couldn’t bare to lose him too.

I also loved the scene between the Sineater and Ichabod. It was very moving how Ichabod grew to overcome his “sin”, which was really all psychological and came from within him. It was simply beautiful and emotional to watch.

This was an incredible episode, and I am so, SO excited for next week.

Sleepy Hollow: Season 1, episode 5 – Review

First of all, what a fantastic episode! It had some humor, some action, some poignant moments, and a great villain. We finally got to see one of the other four horsemen of the apocalypse, Pestilence, which was very cool. I hope we meet the other two soon.

The only thing that I’m left wondering is who the little girl that led Thomas out of Roanoke was. Could it have just been a figment that the horseman created? Or perhaps it was a spirit that had died of the plague, but instead of being a guide for the townspeople likeVirginia, the ghost aided Pestilence in his harmful ways.

The first scene was charming, and I loved the witty banter between Ichabod and Abbie all throughout the episode, especially when she told him he “looks good for being 200 years old”. Their relationship is one of the highlights of the show, and I expect that they’ll become a couple by the end of the first season,  or at the very latest the midseason finale of the second. The only problem is what to do with Katrina, as she’s still stuck in what is now revealed to be Purgatory.

I’m excited to learn why Ichabod was said to be a professor at Oxford that had taken a short break, as of course he has not been out of Sleepy Hollow in 250 years. This will most definitely lead to some interesting plot developments.

My two favorite scenes of the episode both involve Abbie. The first is when she was praying in the chapel; her honesty and truthfulness shined through, and she appeared as if she was really looking for an answer, rather than just desperately, hopelessly begging. The second is when she tells Ichabod that he is meant to stay in the modern world of Sleepy Hollow; of course, it’s obvious why I like that scene – it’s nice to see Abbie admitting that she likes having Ichabod around (and here you can see my shipper goggles snap on).

It was quite amazing that the entire town was not real; or, rather, had once been real, but was now a ghost village. This especially came through when Thomas was being led away – the spirits just needed to be put to rest.

Over all, it was simply marvelous, and I can’t wait for next week’s episode, which appears to be quite action-packed!