Long Overdue Update!

Hello everyone!

Wow, it’s been a really long time. Sorry about that! I got really busy around the end of November because I was applying to schools and really trying to focus on my schoolwork, as well as my professional career, so I had to take a break from reviewing.

However, all my activities are going to be winding down after this month, so hopefully I can begin posting more frequently during June!

I’ve also gotten INSANELY into anime/manga recently. The ones I’m really obsessed with at the moment are (in order of obsession):

  1. One Piece (just finished the Thriller Bark arc)
  2. Fairy Tail (right before the time skip)
  3. Black Butler (seen both anime series and am about to start the manga)
  4. Fullmetal Alchemist (in the middle of the first series)
  5. Ouran Highschool Host Club (finished anime and am about to start the manga)

Lots of upcoming posts will probably center around those XD

However, I’m still just as into Supernatural and all the other live-action shows I watch, so I’ll definitely talk about those too.

A quick summary of my thoughts on the most recent episodes of Supernatural: Though I feel like this season was really great, after the episode in which Dean acquired the Mark Of Cain, the quality started dwindling. Don’t get me wrong, a lot of the episodes were still awesome, it’s just that the majority became a mere ‘okay’. I’m very angry that they wasted episode 20 on Bloodlines, especially since the series didn’t even get picked up, and have given the third- and second-to last episodes to Brad Buckner/Eugenie Ross-Leming and Andrew Dabb. Though they aren’t dreadful, they definitely haven’t proven to be the best writers the show has to offer. I would have chosen Robbie Thompson and Adam Glass, as I think they’re the best writers this season (I’d pick Robert Berens, too, but he’s still a bit too new to get a ‘final three’ episode). I am also furious that they killed off Abaddon in the third to last episode, rather than the season finale. They’ve been building her up for over a year now, and they’ve been fueling the MOC/FB considerably for several months, so it was very anticlimactic to see her die before the season was over. The fight scene she died in was also very bad – they didn’t even fight! She simply threw Dean against a wall for 40 seconds until he pushed past her strength and stabbed her. For someone that’s supposed to be the strongest villain since Lucifer, that’s pretty pathetic. I’m hoping the next two episodes get the season back on track, especially since they’re only going to be dealing with Metatron now. Luckily, that means more Cas!

‘Till next time!

Update on Reviews

Hello everyone!

Apologies for the blatant lack of reviews in the past week. I’ve been very busy, and haven’t found the time to sit down and watch the episodes, let alone write my reviews of them. However, I’ll be posting all of my missing ones tomorrow, as it’s my only day off. The reviews will be:

  • Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., episode 8
  • Supernatural, episode 7
  • Dracula, episode 5
  • Glee, episode 6
  • Sleepy Hollow, episode 9
  • Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., episode 9
  • Supernatural, episode 8

They’ll come out in about two hour intervals throughout the day starting at 12:00 PM, so stay tuned!

Update on Reviews


Hello everyone 🙂

I realize I’ve been slacking with my reviews of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Dracula. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. comes on directly before Supernatural, and I always end up missing the last 3 minutes or so due to it cutting in (it ends at 9:01, and Supernatural starts at 9:00). Supernatural is the one fresh in my mind, so I end up writing about it first once I get to my computer. Dracula ends late at night, and I go to bed after watching it, and by the next day I’m busy doing other things, and I end up forgetting about the review.

This is still no excuse for my laziness, and I PROMISE to begin picking up the pace in these reviews.

Some of my thoughts on the last Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. episode: We FINALLY get screen time devoted to FitzSimmons! This episode was wonderful for them, as it showed us how much they care about one another. Their friendship is one of the highlights of the show, in my opinion. When Simmons jumped off the plane, and Fitz screamed after her, it really came out how much she means to him, and how connected they are. They are two halves of one whole, and if Simmons had died, Fitz would have lost a huge part of himself. I’m also glad that they’re showing Skye’s betrayal having repercussions. It’s not just brushed off by the next episode; she’s really going to have to gain their trust back, especially Warde’s (which is bad for me, considering I want them to become a couple).

I haven’t actually seen the Dracula episode yet, but hopefully I’ll be able to get a few thoughts up by Wednesday at the latest.

Thank you for reading!

My Experience at New York Comic Con

New York Comic Con

Before you read on, please know that I had an utterly TERRIBLE experience here. Also, this was my first convention that I have ever gone to, and I am young. I had no previous knowledge of how conventions were run. The only information I had was what the workers gave me beforehand in their letters and emails. I am a n00b. I know that. But this should have been n00b-friendly.

So, we started off waiting in line to get in at 9:30 in the morning. Didn’t actually get in the building until 10:25. At that point, I immediately navigated the information desk and asked for directions to the Doctor Who panel. Upon arriving there at around 10:40, I saw that it was FULL. How the fuck these people got there so early that they managed to get a seat, I have no idea.

Then, I decided to get John Barrowman’s autograph while my brother got Felicia Day’s. I got on the line at 11:00 in the morning, and it was fairly short. I got into a really great conversation with the three girls in front of me (all rocking wicked cosplays btw), so the wait wasn’t too bad, but once it was noon and John still wasn’t there yet, I started to get worried. My brother texted me that he had just finished getting Felicia’s autograph and that he was going to head over to a gaming panel. I wished him well.

I waited some more.

John was finishing up the photo ops. Now, he is a really lovely person, but I was incredibly frustrated at the fact that he didn’t start actually autographing until around 12:55, nearly an HOUR after he was SUPPOSED to start. I figured that at that point there was no way I would make it to the Teen Wolf panel, but I asked an employee just to confirm, and he agreed that I should just stay in the line.

I got John’s autograph at around 1:30 pm, after waiting in line for two and a half hours. The interaction only lasted about 45 seconds, as he just signed my Doctor Who comic book and smiled at me while I said thank you (I’m not good with talking to people, so this was perfectly all right with me).

I checked the schedule I had written out for myself and found that the panel I had WANTED to then go to was pushed to tomorrow, so I had a few hours to kill. I asked around, and found that people repeatedly told me that it’s best to start lining up for panels about an hour and a half to two hours before they start. I thought this was a little extreme, but I shrugged and nodded along.

I met up with my brother, and we spent some time walking around the show floor and looking at things to purchase. There was very little that I was interested in, but I finally settled on buying a really beautiful Loki poster, which is currently pasted to my wall now.

After that, we found a small little food stand that had a relatively short line and bought some food, as we had no time to pack any that morning. The food was incredibly expensive and not the most amazing quality; each sandwich was $10 and they had little-to-no condiments on them or available to be put on them.

By that point it was 3:00 pm, and my brother went to get Kristen Bauer’s autograph while I headed to Main Stage 1-D to line up for the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

This is the point where you all shake your heads and sigh at me, as I am stupid and did not know the ways of the convention world.

However, it should not be that if I don’t know the ways of the convention world I cannot have a good time.

I got on the line, and about 30 minutes later my brother joined me. We were close to the front, but it wasn’t until 4:30 that I thought to ask someone what was going on, as we had barely moved. She informed me that most people had gone into the panel at around noon that day, and had stayed to see every single event that was held. Apparently, they were allowed to stay in their seats after the panel was over and wait for the next one. Only 20% of the audience left after each panel, and if they did, the workers would take in 20% of the line.

This was shocking to me. My brother and I only had a 20% chance of being let into the panel.

We stayed on that line until 5:00. At that point, he was uncomfortable and wanted to go home, but I urged him to stay for ten more minutes, in case they magically let us in.

They didn’t. We were still pretty far back in the first leg of the line.

We gave up and left the Queue Hall, our spirits low and our heads pounding, our feet aching after having stood in lines all day.

I realized that I would not be able to see John Barrowman’s Q & A, as it started in an hour and it would be full at this point. I tried to reason with my brother that the last panel I wanted to see started at 8:00, so we could, technically, get in line now and be seated for it, but he angrily pointed out that it was only a two hour event, and why would I want to go to something that was only 2/3 the length of it’s wait?

We finally decided, with heavy hearts, to leave the convention and go home, as there was nothing else left for us to do.

Again: I understand that there are certain cheats you can do to get into EVERY panel you want to go to, that there are secret ways to have people hold your spots, etc., but the thing is, I didn’t KNOW them, and I have no desire to learn them. NYCC is NOT friendly towards newcomers to the large-convention style. I have never been given convention hints in my life; I knew nothing about them. The only information I was given beforehand was to arrive at panels slightly early and to wear comfortable shoes. These suggestions were not sufficient.

I do not have the time of day to learn all the expert advice of conventions. I should have been able to go there without a clue in the world of what to do and have a blast. Instead, I was subjected to waiting in lines all day and only getting ONE man’s autograph.

From now on, I am ONLY going to single-show conventions that do not have over 100,000 people there. Thankfully, my parents agreed to go to the Supernatural convention in D.C. this May, so I’m happy about that. It will actually be enjoyable, unlike New York Comic Con.

The only good things to come out of this experience are my new friends, my Loki poster, the John Barrowman autograph, and my photos of some of the great cosplayers, which I’ll upload shortly.


Wow, that was a huge week for fans! Thanks to Comic Con, we now have spoilers for everything, from TV shows to movies to books. It’s a ton of new information, so instead of posting the entire ginormous load on this blog, I’ll provide you guys with a handy link to a really great spoiler site. It’s called SpoilerTV, and they post all the info you guys (as fans) need! You should all totally check them out 🙂

Next week I’ll start reviews and recaps!

Right. So. Here I am.

First off, I’d like to say that if you do not enjoy fans or fandoms (and I mean EPIC fans or fandoms), you should probably exit this blog right now.

Just a little warning.

Okay! My name is Caroline, AKA The Professional Fanwarrior, and this is my blog. Well, one of my blogs. My other blog is on tumblr, and it’s my main one, but I felt the need to create this blog for more “serious” fangirl purposes, as opposed to my diary-like tumblr blog (where I just post whatever I’m feeling at the moment without correct punctuation).

If you like:

  • Reviews (of books and movies)
  • Recaps (of tv shows)
  • Character Analysis
  • Shipping (lots of it!)

..and anything else in that genre, you’ll probably enjoy this blog.

The TV shows I currently watch are Teen Wolf, True Blood, Sherlock, Doctor Who, Supernatural, Glee, and Hannibal.

Here is a link to my tumblr blog (if, for whatever reason, you’d like to see me be an idiot).

That’s all for now.

– Caroline