Supernatural: Season 9, episode 5 – Review

So, let’s get something straight before we begin: This episode was pure, unadulterated crack. It was not meant to be taken seriously in any way, shape, or form. We were supposed to laugh our asses off while watching it. And we did.

Okay! First and foremost, I LOVED the villain and the overall plot of the episode. It was interesting and very different from what they’ve done in past MOTW eps, and I really, really enjoyed it. He had a great backstory and reason for his actions, while still being incredibly evil and insane. The mythology was spot on and very fascinating! I wanted to know more about the different animal combinations and what sort of powers each would lead to.

Also, the action scenes were AWESOME. They’re really starting to get into the new format (instead of T+5, it’s a straight 5 acts now), and the episode really flowed well. I especially enjoyed the way his tongue looked at the very beginning of the episode – props to the special effects team!

All right, now onto what everyone is talking about: Dean being a dog.

Personally? I thought it was so, amazingly stupid, it was FUNNY. I was laughing so hard at certain points that I couldn’t BREATHE. I mean, Dean fighting with a pigeon? WHAT?!?! It was so, so ridiculous that it was probably the hardest I’ve laughed in a really long time. And you know what? It was MEANT to be ridiculous. This show needs humor every once in a while, and this episode provided it perfectly. Now, was it a great, masterpiece episode? No, of course not. But it was lighthearted and VERY entertaining, as well as being memorable.

I know some people were wanking earlier about it being unfair that Dean was attracted to a female dog while not being allowed to be textually attracted to a male human, but I think this is a small-minded argument. Fans need to remember that Dean was NOT HIMSELF for the main duration of this episode. He was exhibiting the behaviors of the German Shepard who witnessed the crimes (due, of course, to the potion). Male dogs are attracted to female dogs, generally, and Dean was acting like a particular male dog, so yes, “he” (and I use the term ‘he’ in relation to Dean very loosely here) was attracted to the female dog. I mean, would you be mad at him playing fetch or barking at the mailman? No, of course not! This is no different.

As for next week’s episode, I’m very, very excited for this. We’re finally back to the overreaching plot of the season, and there’s sure to be some great emotional and character-driven moments for Dean and Cas. I’m looking forward to it!